It has been almost 4 years since I hit publish on my last post. At that moment, I sincerely believed that I would continue to blog while journeying toward optimal health. Instead, I found myself repeatedly starting a post and hitting delete, much like my healthy food choices. As the weight returned, I found it increasingly more difficult to find the words to share my frustration. The thing is…I have indomitable will.

Last year really became a turning point in my life. After a challenging several months of sickness and inflammation, and finding myself in almost constant roid rage from Prednisone, by November I decided to move to a plant-based diet. This has been an amazing transformation in my overall health and, at the beginning of the year, I added a 6 days a week trek to the gym into my routine. I am feeling fantastic! I decided to breathe air back into this blog and instead of posting daily, I have set the intention to post at least weekly.

If you are struggling with where you are at the moment, remember that all you have to do is…

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