Sunday Awards

We have been delighted that our site has been receiving so many awards lately and have decided take one day and make it our awards acceptance day.  SUNDAY! SUNDAY! SUNDAY!   : )

We are very fortunate to have not just a mouse but The Mouse stopping by to read our blog on a regular basis.  I can’t tell you how much this makes me smile that The Mouse comes to visit because I find The Mouse to be quite fascinating not only in his unique culinary knowledge and tastes but in his delightful humor.  Recently The Mouse awarded us with:

To The Mouse over at Live2EatEat2Live  we wish to extend a very big thank you for your humor, kindness and delectable views of food!  By the way Mouse, I saw your post this morning about bacon spread  and gained  10 pounds.  ; )

Ok, so here we go….

The rules for this award are pretty easy, here are the rules:

  1. In a post on your blog, nominate 7 fellow bloggers for The Versatile Blogger Award.
  2. In the same post, add the Versatile Blogger Award.
  3. In the same post, thank the blogger who nominated you in a post with a link back to their blog.
  4. In the same post, share 7 completely random pieces of information about yourself.
  5. In the same post, include this set of rules.
  6. Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs.

My 7 nominations are:

  1. Hella Sydney
  2. CultFit
  3. Ramblings of a Hedge Witch
  4. YoYo-Dyne Propulsion Systems: Reno Division
  5. Sarchasm2  – I am a new reader to this site  and loved it!
  6. Weigh To Health
  7. fromthemindoftheyouth  – yes, this budding writer is none other than my son. : ) shameless.

Another 7 things about Beth….you all should be getting a bit afraid now….

  1. My hair is NOT naturally straight. ; )  Shhhhh….
  2. When I traded in my 7 Series BMW last year it was so pimped out that the guys at the dealership thought the BMW that was just traded belonged to a drug dealer and couldn’t believe it when I walked in and said it was mine. Heh heh….  Illegal limo window tint, 20′ Zenetti wheels…yep, they still give me a hard time when I take my Juke in for an oil change.  There is a wee bit of gangsta in this classy lady. ; )
  3. I have a Japanese Lace-Leaf Maple with a corkscrew trunk that I have managed to raise from a tiny  nobody-wanted-him-at-the-store plant and he has survived two moves with me, I named him Ralph and consider him part of the family.  When I considered leaving him on the last move, my grown up children became upset and insisted he be uprooted!
  4. One of my hobbies is photography….on my other blog site, The Possibilitarian’s Light, all of the actual photos are taken by me…with the exception of the picture of me when I was 4.  : )
  5. I was raised in the Mid-West but born in the South and now live all the way across the country in Seattle.
  6. I love the sound of frogs croaking in the early morning hours.
  7. One of the most beautiful places in WA that I have ever seen is Cape Flattery which is the northwesternmost point of the contiguous United States.  A must see!

There you have it…strange and weird facts about me.  I will make Elysia do some of the next ones!

From Elysia: I was trolling around the blog this morning because mom said she changed the theme a bit…She didn’t even ask for my seven things! *tsk tsk* Well…here you go 🙂 :

1. I am the youngest person in my department at work, by I believe at least 5 years. When I was in training at the end of 2010, our trainer asked for all of us to go around and introduce ourselves. Everyone kept mentioning age and such, so when it was my turn, I annonced that I was Elysia and I was 20 years old. Someone blurted out “OH MY GOD I THOUGHT YOU WERE LIKE 27!” Yeah…I get that a lot….

2. My favorite show right now is The Big Bang Theory. I’m pretty sure Leonard (Johnny Galecki) is my future husband, and Sheldon and I could be best friends forever. It also frightens me that I understand all of their Astrophysics jokes. I think I’m too much of a nerd for my own good.

3. My birthday falls on Easter this year…again. It happens every few years, and I guess I really don’t mind it. Just as long as that egg-wielding bunny doesn’t steal all the glory 😉

4. I’m currently growing my hair out, but every day I try to convince myself just to go cut it off again. I really want it to be long, but it’s in that awkward and unruly stage. It’s not quite to my shoulders yet, but it’s the longest it has been in 3 years. Must…not….cut….

5. I have a few “best friends”. Is that weird? Someone told me I could only have one and I told them they were silly. I have four, and wouldn’t trade them for the world.

6. I laugh at the most random and silly things. The humor section of Pinterest cracks me up all day, every day.

7. My favorite times of the year are Spring and Fall, because I absolutely love the rain. I guess I’m in the perfect place for it being in Seattle. I could never move out of the Pacific Northwest.

Thank you again to The Mouse for nominating me us for this award.  : )

And for the next award…

I wish to give another really big thank you to living4bliss over at Mental Health Food for nominating our site for the 3-in-1 Award.  This award takes three and rolls it all into one!  Mental Health Food is a wonderful site for finding the positive and for feeding your psyche.

This is really an honor and Elysia and I are very excited to receive this, thank you Saundra. : )

The Winners of the 3-in-1 Award

(Don’t forget to visit these blogs and show your love)

  1.  GYA today
  2. Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge
  3. ilse watson
  4. The YOC
  5. allaboutlemon
  6. Foodimentary
  7. Shrinking Mrs. S
  8. LA Girl SECRET Diaries
  9. Domestic Diva, M.D.

Thank you again to living4bliss and to The Mouse….what a great day!

