Versatile Blogger Award

A very big thank you to for nominating me.  Um…is there a time  limit on the speech that goes with this… ; )

The Versatile Blogger Award has the following rules:

  1. Post a picture of the award
  2. Thank the award giver
  3. Share 7 random facts about yourself
  4. Nominate 5 other bloggers about this and tell them so
7 Random Facts About Me:
  1. I love the ocean when the rain is pounding the surf
  2. I am adopted
  3. Pizza is my kryptonite
  4. I drive my Juke in Turbo mode more often then I should
  5. I love photography
  6. I created a Facebook page for one of my chihuahuas and yes, he has followers
  7. I can handle a mouse but damn, snakes freak me out

Ok…getting out the red envelope now….





New Blog

I am so much more than the overweight 43-year-old wife and mother of 3 adult children and 1 teenager.  At times I am wickedly humorous, playful and yes, sometimes frustrated, but still, I am so much more….

Two months off of work has given me plenty of time to think about where I am in my life and where I would like to be.  There is one thing that I have always known about myself…I have always wanted to leave this world a better place then when I arrived.  My life has always been quite challenging and I have spent most of my years looking at it from a very negative perspective. I am choosing to change that outlook and I am also choosing to help others see that no matter what difficulties they have in their lives – the possibilities for good are endless. : )

I will continue on with my weight4us blog (are you reading this Elysia???…geez…having you on my blog is kinda like being married…nag nag nag) and humorously chart my success…that is all there will be from this point out…success.  If Elysia doesn’t blog soon I am going to start posting baby pictures of her………….

: )


By the way…I have used that elliptical so much that I am certain I could do one of those moves like in the movie I Am Number Four with my legs….bad ass….just sayin.

