A Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you :)

Given my recent break up, I was completely unsure of how today would go, seeing all the girls at work get flowers from their boyfriends/husbands; I kind of just wanted to stay inside my cube and not look. After all, if I don’t see it, it’s not going on, right? Ignorance is bliss? Well…it worked for a while, then my best friend at work came to my cube and had a surprise for me…She brought me beautiful purple daisies. She gave me a huge hug, and dubbed me her Valentine, even though she has a boyfriend. It definitely reminded me that Valentine’s Day is so much more than about couples…it’s about loving all of those around you. She completely made my day.

Okay, so I’ll be quick on how the week is going: Fasting didn’t go near as well as planned. Actually, more accurately, it didn’t work at all. By 1pm on Monday, I had a huge headache and couldn’t hardly concentrate at work. I had to eat something. I didn’t attempt it today, because I was in a hurry to get out the door this morning. Instead, I have been working hard on cutting portions. At least I have done something!

Unfortunately, I have to cut this short…I am late to go to bed 😦 But a huge Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you. Thank you for being wonderful!



Technical Difficulties

Ok…so I submitted a post to weight4us which is my humorous weight loss blog that was meant for my other blog.  My other site The Possibilitarian’s Light is for the most part, my life story which is far from humor-filled.  If you are interested in seeing why I am crazy, you are welcome to check out that site as well but my apolgies to those who just enjoy my humor.

: O

Yikes.  So sorry, go about your day.  Um..yeah.