Hopping back on the scale…

….was a terriying moment, but then something happened; it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought.

After months of just totally letting go and not caring (getting comfortable living with someone does that, I guess…) I thought I would have EASILY had a 20lb+ gain. I am happy to report that it’s only been about a 5lb gain since October. I’m absolutely flabbergasted that it wasn’t more, especially going through the holidays, but I suppose I wasn’t doing as terribly as I originally thought. It has for sure made me happy today.

I’m also stoked to report that I beat my goal that I set yesterday. Here’s the totals for my elliptical workout:

Time: 20 minutes, 7 seconds

Strides: 1,266 (beats 1,165 yesterday)

Calories: 134.7 (beats 129.2 yesterday)

Average RPM: 31 (beats about 29 yesterday)

It’s the little accomplishments that really add up to alot, I suppose. It’s not a HUGE difference, but I set a goal, and I exceeded it, even by just a tiny bit. That puts a smile on my face that you can’t even imagine. It tells me that I can do it if I take things one step at a time. I am really enjoying these achievements!

Favorite song of the wor out was Foster the People’s “Pumped Up Kicks”. The playlist today was mainly newer songs, all incredibly upbeat and fun. Made the 20 minutes absolulely fly by. Watching everyone else work hard tells me that I can do it, too. Maybe someday there will be someone starting out, and they will be inspired by my blog. If I can help one person achieve their goals, that would be an incredible feeling.

That’s about all I have for tonight, guys. Hope you had a wonderful day! Here’s to tomorrow! *raises glass of water*



PS: New post on writingfrommyheart.wordpress.com called “Finding the Strength”. Please feel free to check it out 🙂

Five More Minutes Mom

I am not a sleeper.  I am a morning person and the earlier the better.  I enjoy those early morning hours where the dark becomes light and even the sleepy birds aren’t ready to sing their song.  This morning, however, I had the hardest time pulling myself out of bed…when I say hardest time, that means it took me a whole ten seconds instead of the usual .5 to greet my day.  I am that girl who most people look at and say, “What are you doing?!”  My eyes open, my feet hit the floor, hi babies (my chihuahuas) and I am ready to grab my coffee.  Today it was more like a eyes open, omg is it morning already!?, it is, it’s light out?,  shit, ok, hi dogs, then my feet hit the floor kinda morning.  I don’t know if it is because I have more on my plate than I can possibly process at this moment and my body has decided that I am a complete idiot to be going at this pace so it shut me down for an extra hour or so?  Whatever it is, I feel like Zack looks…

Yep, eyes bulging, tongue hanging out the side of my mouth, and my ears are back.  Not a pretty sight this morning…looks like I have a nail that I need to tend to as well…

On the juicing home front, I am still juicing daily and I have to say that my skin has never felt so soft, well maybe at birth. I have neglected my elliptical this past week…yeah…I am feeling kind of guilty about that so I had better set aside some time to workout.  Grrr…I am feeling a little grumpy about that.  Time to put on my big girl panties, slurp down some more coffee and find where the hell it is that I misplaced my damn smile…where is that thing….Anyone?

