What NOT To Do

I had no idea that I had put Alanis Morissette in my Road Trip Ramblings playlist which I used today for my workout. There I am going to town on my elliptical  when You Oughta Know comes up.  Sixteen years of personal growth was thrown out the door in 4.08 minutes.  Suddenly I was angry and howling singing along and was disturbed that I remembered every word after all of those years.  Kelly Clarkson saved the moment with Mr. Know It All and was able to bring me back to 2012.  Whew! So my excercise tip of the day is KNOW YOUR PLAYLIST!

Another great workout song (please shout out if you have had enough of these) is Anthony Hamilton and WOO.  Woooo this is good!

Maybe I should submit my playlist to a therapist and have them analyze that? ; )

Today I applied for what seemed like the hundredth admin position and I am thinking that it would simplify my life if I just nailed the lottery and went on an amazing adventure to all of the places that I have dreamed of going.  I just may be the only person left in the U.S. who hasn’t been to Vegas….not that I like to gamble, because quite honestly, I can’t stand throwing money away , BUT isn’t Vegas like a rite of passage? My idea of leaving the country has been Canada.  That doesn’t even qualify really.  A sheltered life I lead.  It probably isn’t such a good idea for me to go to Vegas…I would end up missing a tooth and have to give Mike Tyson his tiger back while being chased by a naked Asian…not so sure the whole thing would be worth it…but then again…I really do feel up for the challenge.  Vegas Baby!  Well, I can still dream.  Now the reality is that I have to clean my hardwoods and finish my laundry.



See…I can be serious, too…

The Possibilitarian's Light

I can’t recall a time where my life wasn’t marked with misfortune. I became very angry and bitter and chose to wallow in self-pity, I did so for many years. As one disaster after another hit I eventually began to notice a pattern, I always came out wiser, stronger. I also noticed something incredible that I had never taken note of before, I came out ahead. Every single time that something negative happened, a positive was left in its place.

The best advice that someone once gave me was asking the question, “Is this going to matter one year from now? How about five years from now?” When you are feeling like you are taking one step forward and two steps back, ask yourself that very question. Is this going to matter one year from now? Changing your perception, in the face of adversity, can help you get through a…

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