Oh Yes She Did!

Last night actually went fairly well as far as putting my chihuahuas to bed.  They barked for a short time and must have sensed that I had come unraveled over my lack of sleep and decided there was no way in hell they were getting to sleep in my bed…and yeah…just who in the heck peed on my suitcase?  Zack?  Tre?  The man who lives in my house?  Somebody thought they were clever.

I had made a personal and public announcement that this week-end was going to be the week-end that my little doggies were broken from sleeping in my bed, I guess I wasn’t clear enough about my lack of sleep…

As I drifted off to dreamland for the first time in over a week and a half I was scared half out of my wits at 1:30 a.m. by my babies charging at me in my bed like the running of the bulls.  It was like Paranormal Activity and I swear I almost needed an A.E.D. to kickstart my heart. Who was chasing them?  Elysia.  Evidently Elysia rolled in at 1:30 a.m. on the very first night we were trying to get the babies to sleep in their kennels, the dogs flipped out when she came through the door, she let them out to get them to stop barking only to have them nark her off.



This morning I discovered that instead of putting them back in their kennels Elysia decided to take the easy way out and let the babies in her bed….most likely because she was terrified that the dogs would keep me awake and she knew I would get out of bed and stream together words that were never ment to be in the same sentence, most likely keeping everyone up the entire evening to join in the festivities and fun.  The more the merrier I always say.

I crawled out of bed this morning and decided that everyone should be up, including Elysia, after all, she was more than happy to send the love of my chihuahuas to me at 1:30 a.m. and I wanted to return the favor.  I used my cell phone and called the house phone about 3 times, it wasn’t long before everyone ran downstairs with no complaints.  My family will generally give me a substantial amount of grief until, that is, I have reached the critical limit.  That was reached days ago.  It is really quite simple:  Do not bring dogs into my bed and do not roll in at 1:30 a.m. the first week-end I am trying to train the puppies when I have had very little sleep.  Otherwise I will open up this…

Just sayin.

I dragged my tired self to the store today and purchased enough fruits and vegetables to juice and blend for the next couple weeks…then it dawned on me that my teen-age boys are home this coming week for mid-winter break so I will be lucky to have the stuff last an afternoon.  They are like Templeton the rat on Charlotte’s Web scrounging around the kitchen.

In the basket I have oranges, apples, bananas, lemons, avocados (you can’t juice avocados and bananas but you can add them in the blender after you juice) and in the fridge I have strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, spinach, kale, carrots, asparagus, ginger, english cucumber, parsley, wheat grass and beets.  I also bought several bags of frozen fruit for smoothies.  I can’t even stomach anything processed anymore.  : )  I have discovered that juicing my own oranges tastes the same as an Orange Julius…WHO KNEW!?

I am going to head off of hear now and make another attempt at sleep.  Elysia has already went to bed…I am so tempted to open her door, tip toe into her room and then have the doggies run in there and wake her up.  Muahahahaha….nah, instead I will tuck the babies in and hope for the best.  Nighty night friends!




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